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Mobile Friendly Website:

If you are using a mobile device to visit this website, your browser should automatically convert your website to a mobile friendly version.

If you are however still having trouble viewing the website, it might mean that you have an outdated or old mobile device with outdated or old software.

Here are a few tips on how you can view the website in a desktop view, which should solve all problems:

Using Chrome or Firefox:

1. Tap on the 3 dot Chrome icon, located in the top right corner of your screen







2. From the list of options, tap on Request Desktop site option















From now on all website will be loaded in the desktop version

Using Safari Mobile Browser:

1.Visit the affected site in Safari.
2.Tap and hold the Refresh button in the URL bar.
3.Tap Request Desktop Site.
















4.The website will then reload as its desktop version.

This will last as long as you have that tab open for that website; close the tab, or enter in a new web address in that tab, and you'll revert to the mobile version if you return.

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